Section: Dissemination


  • Licence (ou équivalent): "Programming and Algorithmics in Java", PeiP and "Génie de l'Eau" 46+40 heures, L2+M1, department Polytech'Nice-Sophia.

  • Licence (ou équivalent): : "Computer environment: introduction to operating system", 30 heures, L1, PeiP Polytech'Nice-Sophia.

  • Licence (ou équivalent): : "Software Engineering", 24h, IUT Nice

  • Licence (ou équivalent): : "Network Game Programming", 24h, IUT Nice

  • Master (ou équivalent) : “Sémantique des Systèmes Distribués et Embarqués”, 12 heures, M1, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France.

  • Master (ou équivalent) : “Distributed Algorithmics”, 24 heures, M2, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France.

  • Master (ou équivalent) : "Programming of distributed applications", 42 heures, M1, Computer Science department Polytech'Nice-Sophia.

  • Master (ou équivalent) : "Parallel and Distributed Programming", 42 heures, M1, Computer Science department, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France.

  • Master (ou équivalent) : "Distributed Systems", 35 heures, M1, Computer Science department, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France.

PhD & HdR

  • HdR : Eric Madelaine, “Specification, Model Generation, and Verification of Distributed Applications”, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis , 29/9/2011

  • PhD : Marcela Rivera, “Reconfiguration and lifecycle of distributed components: Asynchrony, coherence, and verification”, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 16/12/2011, advisor Ludovic Henrio.

  • PhD: Muhammad Uzair Khan, “Supporting First Class Futures in a Fault-Tolerant Java Middleware”, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 25/2/2011, advisor Ludovic Henrio.

  • PhD: Imen Filali, “Improving Resource Discovery in P2P Systems”, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 7/2/2011, advisor Françoise Baude and Fabrice Huet

  • PhD: Guilherme Peretti-Pezzi, “High Performance Hydraulic Simulations on the Grid using Java and ProActive”, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 15/12/2011, advisor Denis Caromel

  • PhD: Cristian Ruz, “Autonomic Monitoring and Management of Component-Based Services”, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 23/6/2011, advisor Françoise Baude.

  • PhD: Virginie Legrand-Contes, “Une approche à composants pour l'orchestration de services à grande échelle, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 15/12/2011, advisor Françoise Baude and Philippe Merle (ADAM EPI).

  • PhD in progress : Francesco Bongiovanni, “Self organizing overlay networks and generic overlay computing systems”, Since Oct 2008, joined OASIS in Sept 2009, directors Françoise Baude and Fabrice Huet.

  • PhD in progress : Laurent Pellegrino “Pushing dynamic and ubiquitous event-based interaction in the Internet of services: a middleware for event clouds”, since Sept 2010, director Françoise Baude.

  • PhD in progress : Sheheryar Malik “Network Aware Cloud Computing”, since Oct 2009, Supervisors: Fabrice Huet and Denis Caromel

  • PhD in progress : Nuno Gaspar “Integrated, Autonomic, and Reliable Deployment and Management for SaaS composite applications”, since Nov 2011, Supervisor: Eric Madeleine

  • PhD in progress : Michaël Benguigui, “Modèles de programmation pour l'analyse de données sur machines multi-cœurs, grilles et clouds”, since Dec 2011, director Françoise Baude.

  • PhD in progress : Yanwen Chen, “Formal model and Scheduling for cyberphysical systems”, since Dec 2011, directors Eric Madelaine and Yixiang Chen (ECNU Shanghai)